I am the voice of Hades for the Boardgame Kickstarter ‘Heckin’ Hounds’. Check them out: https://heckinhounds.com/ I love it. I’m finally an animated character. Hellz YASSSSSS!
Monthly Archives: June 2021
VO Projects | Virginia Credit Repair | Television
So. Before you ask, yes. I’m the voice on this commercial that will air on Virginia State television and internet. Yes, I was paid quite well. Maybe I’ll be one of those late night spots I saw as a kid when I watched Benny Hill and G.L.O.W. ? . If that’s the case… COOOOLLLL….💯

New Branding for Cake and Iron
When I first started Cake a(n)d Iron, it was a play off my love for eating good food and power lifting; little did I know it would grow into a comic brand. Lesson 1 for new comic writers; you have to have branding for your comics. No ifs and or buts. Ooooo! @elgrandemilesifico came back […]

The New Voice of Hades for Boardgames!
Greetings.. I will be the voice of Hades for Heckin Hounds, a board game where you walk hellhounds for fun, profit and your eternal soul.. See updates at HeckinHounds.com and keep a look out for the upcoming kickstarter. #blackgirlmagic #blacknerdgirls #seattle #voiceactor #voiceover #voiceovertalent #blackactor #boardgames #kickstarter #dogs #dogwalking #hell
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