How To| How To Get Into Voice Acting

I’ve been asked by multiple folks on how to get into the Voice Acting Business. My way may not be the most streamline way, but I, unlike most of my peers, am still working.
You can watch my full video on Youtube, but here are brief bullet points:
– Get whatever audio setup you are comfortable with.
– Go to the Guttenberg Project and select a small book to practice with. Nothing over 100 pages.
– Read it, record it, edit it down and save the files.
– Get a Fiverr account, or any gig site, and post your best work.
– Get a soundcloud page, a tiktok page (I don’t use it, but you do you) and/or a youtube site and upload your work.
– Do it again until you have a solid demo reel (under 1 minute) to show off.
– Note: You don’t need an agent if you do enough work. But don’t get into this if you are not willing to do the work or expect to get paid right away. Consistency gets you paid, not how nice your voice sounds.
Hope this helps and saves you some cash.
#voiceacting #booktok #audiobooks #smut #seattle #voiceover #voiceactor #narrator #actor #spicy #youtube #fiverr

About JC

Home of the Beneath A Domed Sky podcast, The Chrome Carriage comic series and other nerdy things.