I will not save them, though I could.

I will not save them, though I could.
Tiana Steibenz. Precocious. A little girl with her Father’s wild red hair, her mother’s ice blue eyes and a quiet gift that no one knows.
She sees the threads of life. Her best friend is a dead little boy…
I take my time, light the cigar and blow creamy rings above me. Mild mannered The Grant, Marketing God, Media Darling…human. Naked and scarred like all men of power. The night creeps behind its veil, the dome shifting from crimson and gold to bruised greens and violets.
The cigar and finish and I must cleanse.
Well, Patrons, Here we are. You stuck around for so long and your donations are what kept me pushing and going. I can now tell you that a month prior, I was contacted by Amazon Music to have my scifi dystopian podcast, Beneath A Domed Sky, syndicated for them. I had mixed feelings, but signed […]
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