The Losers Shall Inherit The Earth: Rich ‘Babyface’ Steibenz

Strong resolve. An unbreakable spirit. Integrity. Compassion. That’s what makes a good man, my father said. He was a good one to the very end. Not me, though. I’m a ‘Has Been’.

A washed up cop with enough blood on my hands to fill a lake and drown in it. Used to see my name in the holos’, with live action shots of my work.  The ‘Meta Man’ with the ‘Steel Trap Mind’ and ‘The Unbreakable Fists’.

That’s what they called me. Didn’t think I was very smart.  Didn’t read many books or go to school other than the PEN Academy, but I always had a knack to sniff out bullshit y’know.

Connect the dots no one could spot.

About JC

Home of the Beneath A Domed Sky podcast, The Chrome Carriage comic series and other nerdy things.