The Night Wire | HF Arnold

Henry Ferris Arnold is another “lost” author from the days of the pulps, something that is quite surprising since “The Night Wire” was considered the most popular story ever published in Weird Tales. What few sources give any information about his life say that he was born in 1901, worked as an author and journalist and died in 1963, but even these sketchy details (and his actual name, for that matter) may, or may, not, be true. All that is known as fact about Arnold, is that his fictional output, at least in the fields of science fiction and horror, consisted of only 3 works: “The Night Wire”, appearing in Weird Tales in 1926; “The City of Iron Cubes,” serialized in the March and April issues of Weird Tales and a two-part serial “When Atlantis Was,” that appeared in the October and December 1937 issues of Amazing Stories. Outside of that, Arnold remains an enigma.





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